
Plymouth Creek Restoration: Dunkirk Lane to 38th Ave. N.


Project Number: 2025 CR-P

Project Status   |  Proposed

A feasibility study was performed over the winter of 2023/2024 and was approved by the BCWMC in May 2024. The Commission approved the implementation of Option 3a - to restore and stabilize all high, medium, and low priority areas along the stream, improve vegetated buffers along the stream, and create a meander of the stream channel in one section. The Commission will hold a public hearing on this project at its September 19th meeting.

Project Funding   |   Not Grant Funded

The estimated total cost of the project including the feasibility study, design, construction, and administration is $2,600,000. Funding is slated to come from BCWMC Capital Improvement Project funds paid with Hennepin County property taxes levied on all BCWMC residents.

Project Description

The BCWMC is proposing this project to restore streambanks along Plymouth Creek from Dunkirk Lane to 38th Avenue North (behind the Plymouth Ice Center) in cooperation with the City of Plymouth. A feasibility study was completed in May 2024 which inventoried eroding areas and evaluated potential restoration needs and methods along this 7,000 foot section of the creek. Goals of the restoration project include stabilizing streambanks to reduce erosion, improve water quality, and improve in-stream and near stream habitats. The Project is estimated to reduce total phosphorus and total suspended solids by 148.4 pounds per year and 296,720 pounds per year, respectively. Project components include:

  • Streambank stabilization and restoration in all high, medium, and low priority areas along the stream
  • Removal of accumulated sediment in two areas (upstream of Rockford Rd. and upstream of 38th Ave.)
  • Riparian vegetation management within the stream buffers (remove invasive plants; establish native plants; remove dead/dying trees; open tree canopy where needed)
  • Construct a meander of the stream in one section that was historically straightened and ditched

Project Announcements

The BCWMC will hold a public hearing on this project at its September 19th BCWMC meeting. Meeting materials can be found here about one week prior to the meeting. Contact laura.jester@keystonewaters.com for more information.

 Detailed project map

More Information

Presentation of Feasibility Study (May 2024)

Final Feasibility Study (no appendices (May 2024)

Displays from Public Open House (March 2024)

Feasibility Study Scope of Work (Oct 2023)