Ȟaȟá Wakpádaŋ / Bassett Creek
Long before the BCWMC began managing the creeks and lakes in the watershed, the Dakota people cared for the land and waters here. The BCWMC continues learning from the Dakota Community and encourages others explore Dakota history and culture. The BCWMC is honored to help support the Haha Wakpadan Oral History Project (listen to all 15 interviews here) and the Pronunciation Video. As part of their journey to learn and grow, the BCWMC recently adopted a land and water acknowledgement statement.
Explore the new watershed map!
The BCWMC is excited to share its new watershed map - available online HERE or as a paper copy. The map features watershed topography and flow patterns while the back of the map is full of interesting information, including Indigenous culture and history.
Enjoy some short videos on the Bassett Creek YouTube Channel!
Sweep It to Keep It | Water Footprint | Alternative Lawns
Pay It Forward: Build a Raingarden! | Boaters to the Rescue: Clean Drain and Dry
Bee Friendly! | Volunteers Collect Lake Data | Why Wetlands?
Salt Smart Sing Along | The Fish Are Asking | Are Deicers Safe for Pets?
Time to Sweep the Salt |
Making Connections Series:
#1 Eco Yard | #2 Flooding, Water Quality and Climate Change | #3 Golden Valley Neighbors Build Large Rain Garden | #4 Please Don't Dump Your Bait | #5 Leave the Leaves
- Remember Clean Streets Lead to Clean Water
We all live on a shoreline! Storm drains in the street lead to streams and lakes in our communities. Adopt the storm drain nearest you to make sure there’s “only rain down the drain.” www.adopt-a-drain.org
- Sweep up leaves, grass clippings, and fertilizers from the street and driveway – once in the water these supply nutrients that feed algae
- Clean up pet waste
- Use deicers wisely - see more details below
- Wash cars on the lawn or at a carwash rather than in the driveway
- Maintain your car to stop leaking oil, gas, and other toxins
- Learn more about how climate change effects our waters
- Plant for clean water, diversity, and pollinators
- Install a rain garden to help soak up rainwater from your rooftop and driveway or restore your shoreline to prevent erosion and provide habitat. There are workshops that teach you how to plan and install the garden and the District can even provide cost share funds for your project!
- Create a buffer of native plants along streams, rivers, lakes, wetlands to prevent stormwater and its pollutants from running over land to the waterbody.
- Mow less by planting native perennials around the edges of your yard. Plant a variety of native and pollinator-friendly plants to attract bees and butterflies, increase diversity, and use less irrigating and pesticides.
- Learn more about Planting for Clean Water© through Blue Thumb at www.bluethumb.org
- Use Deicers Wisely
- Shovel that snow. The more snow that you can shovel or snow blow, the less salt you will need. Get out early and keep up with the storm.
- Don’t over apply. More salt does not mean more melting. Use less than four pounds of salt per 1,000 feet². One pound of salt is about a heaping twelve-ounce coffee cup.
- Temperature matters. Common deicers don’t melt snow and ice well when is gets very cold, so should not be applied. Instead, use a small amount of sand for traction.
- Sweep up extra. Salt and sand on dry pavement is not doing any work and will be washed into the creek or lake. Sweep up the extra and reuse it.
- Distribute "Please Salt Smart" cards where you observe obvious over salting
- Learn more at www.pca.state.mn.us/water/chloride-101
- Reduce stormwater run-off
- Make sure gutter downspouts and sprinklers drain into grass or gardens to reduce runoff and to increase absorption of rainwater.
- Spread mulch or plant vegetation on bare ground to help prevent erosion and runoff.
- Use a rain barrel to capture water from downspouts and put it to use in your gardens.
- Aerate your lawn or plant rain gardens in low areas will allow infiltration of stormwater and reduce the volume of run-off reaching our lakes and streams.
- Spread the word among neighbors or homeowners associations
- Prevent the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species
Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) are plants and animals in our lakes and streams that are not native to Minnesota and many of them can cause significant environmental and economic harm.- CLEAN all visible aquatic plants, zebra mussels, and other prohibited invasive species from watercraft, trailers, and water-related equipment before leaving any water access or shoreland
- DRAIN water-related equipment (boat, ballast tanks, portable bait containers, motor) and draining bilge, livewell and baitwell by removing drain plugs before leaving a water access or shoreline property. Keep drain plugs out and water-draining devices open while transporting watercraft.
- DISPOSE of unwanted bait, including minnows, leeches, and worms, in the trash. It is illegal to release bait into a waterbody or release aquatic animals from one waterbody to another. If you want to keep your bait, you must refill the bait container with bottled or tap water.
- LEARN MORE about AIS and preventing the spread at http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/invasives/aquatic/index...
- Conserve Water In and Around Your Home
- Only run the dishwasher with a full load and don't pre-rinse your dishes
- Fix leaky toilets
- Install low flow shower heads and faucets with aerators
- Make sure pipes are properly insulated
- Plant native species that don't require irrigation
- Learn more at www.wateruseitwisely.com.