BCWMC Plan Steering Committee Meeting
The Bassett Creek Watershed Management Commission's Plan Steering Committee will meet at 8:30a.m. in the Wirth Lake Room at Brookview, Golden Valley (316 Brookview Pkwy S, Golden Valley, MN 55426) to discuss strategies and policies for the 2025 Watershed Management Plan. Contact laura.jester@keystonewaters.com for more information or meeting materials.
0BCWMC Technical Advisory Committee Meeting
The BCWMC Technical Advisory Committee will meet December 18th 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. in the Wirth Lake Room at Brookview, Golden Valley. Please contact laura.jester@keystonewaters.com for further information or meeting materials
0BCWMC Regular Monthly Meeting
The BCWMC will hold its regular monthly meeting on Thursday December 19th in the Council Conference Room at Golden Valley City Hall (7800 Golden Valley Road). Meeting agenda and materials are available HERE approximately one week prior to the meeting.