
Bassett Creek Main Stem Restoration Project: 10th Avenue to Duluth Street

Golden Valley

Project Number: 2015CR

Project Status   |  Complete

Project design plans (90%) were completed and approved in June 2015 and construction began that winter. The project is being constructed in two phases, each under separate contract. Phase One includes restoration construction including stream bank shaping, placement of field stone rock and 12-inch bio logs, and repair of storm sewer outlets. Phase Two includes the establishment of native vegetation along the stream.

Project construction (phase one) was completed in 2016. Phase Two began immediately following the completion of Phase One and will continue through the growing season of 2018. A final project report and final reimbursement request was approved by the BCWMC in March 2019.

Project Funding   |   Not Grant Funded

The final cost of this project was $1,118,347 including feasibility study, design, construction, and project administration. The total project costs were lower than the original estimated cost by $384,653. This project was funded by ad valorem taxes levied on watershed residents and collected by Hennepin County.

Project Description

The BCWMC, in cooperation with the City of Golden Valley, restored streambanks along the 9,500-foot reach of Bassett Creek from the intersection of 10th Ave. N. and Rhode Island Ave. N. to Duluth St. Areas of bank erosion and bank failure were stabilized and re-vegetated to improve water quality and habitat.

The project's feasibility report identified up to 29 sites where bank erosion, bank failure, and infrastructure repairs are needed. Restoration techniques include bioengineering methods, which primarily uses vegetation materials, and structural methods, which use rock and other non-vegetative materials. The bioengineering and structural methods for this project both incorporate the use of stone toe armoring and installing a section of fieldstone boulder wall. The restoration techniques were determined site by site and incorporated the techniques that will be most successful for that site.

The project reduces the total phosphorous load entering the creek by an estimated 60-100 pounds per year and reduces the total suspended sediment load by an estimated 140,000-200,000 pounds per year.

 Detailed project map

More Information

Final Project Report (March 2019)

Design Plans:

50% Design Plans (Approved with BCWMC Enginneer Comments March 2015)
90% Design Plans (Approved with BCWMC Engineer Comments June 2015))

BCWMC Resolution Ordering Project: Resolution 14-06 (October 16, 2014)

Feasibility Study: 2015 Bassett Creek Main Stem Restoration Project (WSB & Associates, June 10, 2014)

Contact: BCWMC Administrator Laura Jester at laura.jester@keystonewaters.com or 952-270-1990.